You had me at hello!

I’m Mollie, I had pondered for some time to create an expressive and passionate spot where I could have a little ramble to myself or anyone that may be interested. Whether that’s involving a small preach about the importance of foreign cinema or marvelling at a funky – but freakin’ awesome – universe involving a Hawaiian burger joint and some badass Vega brothers. But I digress, the point is, I wanted a diverse space for all film enthusiasts.

Consequently I  created Blog Day Afternoon, predominantly a film blog where I share my true love for cinema; however with a little added “Jailhouse Rock” sprinkled into the mix. Music as well holds a special place in my heart so expect some Ob-La-Di’s and some Ob-La-Da’s.

In the future I hope to build Blog Day Afternoon into a lively community where discussions are generated from topics I discuss as well as any open recommendations  from readers and constructive criticism is always welcome. Extending into literature may also be something I explore along with inviting guest writers onto the blog to be given the opportunity to feature on BDA.

That’s pretty much all there is to it! Oh, I’m also a third year University student studying English Literature and Film Studies.

Yippee Ki Yay MotherF*****