The Unfilmable Book: The Two Towers – Part II

The second instalment to my The Lord of the Rings trilogy review. We begin with a brief recap from Part I. It all began with "In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit"; the first line scribbled down by university lecturer J.R.R. Tolkien on the back of a paper he was grading. In September 1937, Tolkien released The Hobbit, …

Continue reading The Unfilmable Book: The Two Towers – Part II

The Unfilmable Book: The Fellowship of the Ring – Part I

Where does one begin when reviewing the most intricate universe ever created. Although a galaxy of Jedi knights, a scruffy-looking nerf herder and a feisty princess is a personal favourite of mine, the universe of Middle Earth is certainly up there. It all began with "In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit"; the first line scribbled down …

Continue reading The Unfilmable Book: The Fellowship of the Ring – Part I