“We all go a little mad sometimes” | Exploring Psychoanalysis in Hitchcock’s Psycho (1960)

One of the twentieth-centuries most influential thinkers, Sigmund Freud is considered the father of Psychoanalysis (lep.utm.edu, 2018). The neurologist is responsible for significant psychoanalytic theories including: the construction of the Id, Ego and Super-ego; the Oedipus complex as well as ideas surrounding repression and the unconscious mind. Freud believed that human life is sorely built …

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The Male Gaze | Rear Window (1954)

The objectification of women has conjured mass debate within modern media and cinematic theory. Although it is very relevant within contemporary news, theorists have been exploring the portrayal of women in film since the 1970's. Feminist film theorist - Laura Mulvery, in her 1975 analysis of the male gaze, discusses how women are nothing more …

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Authorship | Reservoir Dogs (1992)

The epitome of cool - Quentin Tarantino shrouds authorship. Auteurism is the theory of director as ‘author’, and which their work holds a distinctive quality or style, focusing on “central significance of individual creativity” (Crofts, 1998, pg. 310). Alexandre Astruc, 1948 created ‘la camera stylo’ (camera-pen) in association with the theory. Although Authorship considers a whole …

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