Gender Theory | Vertigo (1958)

The objectification of women has conjured mass debate within modern media and cinematic theory. Although it is very relevant within contemporary news, theorists have been exploring the portrayal of women in film since the 1970’s. Feminist film theorist – Laura Mulvery, in her 1975 analysis of the male gaze, discusses how women are nothing more …

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Going the Distance | Rocky (1976)

A tale of a small-time club fighter who wonders the slums of Philadelphia in a much slower pace than anyone else. With little to do, Rocky observes and discovers the hidden beauty within Adrian, an introverted soul who works in the local pet store. Although the films ultimate theme is love, it also explores a rags to riches story …

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The Unfilmable Book: The Two Towers – Part II

The second instalment to my The Lord of the Rings trilogy review. We begin with a brief recap from Part I. It all began with "In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit"; the first line scribbled down by university lecturer J.R.R. Tolkien on the back of a paper he was grading. In September 1937, Tolkien released The Hobbit, …

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