A comparative reading of The Wizard of Oz (Fleming, 1939) and one other filmic vision of a city. How does each film frame the image of the metropolis?

Modernity is ultimately the rejection of tradition. The metropolis is a sea of superstructure composed to a crescendo of hustle and bustle; a place of progression, sophistication and modernity. The cinematic city encapsulates a similar vibrancy where hopes and dreams are achievable. MGM’s iconic musical The Wizard of Oz (1939) is a tale of two …

Continue reading A comparative reading of The Wizard of Oz (Fleming, 1939) and one other filmic vision of a city. How does each film frame the image of the metropolis?

Film & Censorship |Blog Day Afternoon

These three blog posts will be examining Censorship issues in film; the first post will explore if violence is censored in American History X (1998). Secondly A Clockwork Orange (1971) will discuss the relationship of sexual content and censorship in Kubrick’s film; and finally The Passion of the Christ (2004), which will be investigating religion and censorship in the film. This …

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Exploring the Heterosexual Gaze | Philadelphia (1993)

At the time of Philadelphia’s release in 1993, AIDS held a stigma – “Misinformation, paranoia, and prejudice abounded.” (The-artifice.com, 2016) For those not infected it was something to avoid, and was stereotypically linked with homosexuality, “in the mind of conservative America, this disease, which destroys the body’s ability to resist infection, came to represent the scourge of …

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