Analysing audience response to film |The Passion of the Christ (2004)

Audience reception has often centred on or around issues of gender, race and sexuality – for example in Film Noir, the sub-genre is typically identified as a “male fantasy” and women are simply defined by “her sexuality” because audiences for this type of film were gendered male (Place, 1998, 47), therefore as a woman I …

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“We all go a little mad sometimes” | Exploring Psychoanalysis in Hitchcock’s Psycho (1960)

One of the twentieth-centuries most influential thinkers, Sigmund Freud is considered the father of Psychoanalysis (, 2018). The neurologist is responsible for significant psychoanalytic theories including: the construction of the Id, Ego and Super-ego; the Oedipus complex as well as ideas surrounding repression and the unconscious mind. Freud believed that human life is sorely built …

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Authorship | Reservoir Dogs (1992)

The epitome of cool - Quentin Tarantino shrouds authorship. Auteurism is the theory of director as ‘author’, and which their work holds a distinctive quality or style, focusing on “central significance of individual creativity” (Crofts, 1998, pg. 310). Alexandre Astruc, 1948 created ‘la camera stylo’ (camera-pen) in association with the theory. Although Authorship considers a whole …

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